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Patrick Keller, of, invites you to join an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts & hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics & mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
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Aug 28, 2022


Author, Folk Witch, and paranormal investigator, J. Allen Cross, joins Patrick to discuss his brand new book, The Witch's Guide to the Paranormal: How to Investigate, Communicate, and Clear Spirits. Topics include paranormal work from a distance, common misconceptions that witches have about paranormal investigation,...

Aug 15, 2022


The history of witchcraft and witches in American film and television is truly fascinating and goes back to silent films! Patrick has a conversation with writer and journalist, Heather Greene, who wrote the amazing book, Lights, Camera, Witchcraft. Topics include The Craft (1996), the different incarnations of

Aug 1, 2022


Physical and trance medium, Scott Milligan, wants to melt your fear of the Ouija board. In a Facebook LIVE video from July of 2022, Scott persuaded viewers to come to the board at their best and treat the space as a place of peace. He also shared stories of physical phenomena from seances, including an important and...