Jul 27, 2020
Lisa Morton tells the fascinating history of seances in her new book, Calling the Spirits: A History of Seances. Discussion included necromancy, spook shows, Spiritualism, fraudulent mediums, D.D. Home, Helen Duncan, Florence Cook, William Crookes, the American Civil War, spirit rapping, EVP, and of course, plenty...
Jul 12, 2020
A conversation with Brian Smith, who is a life coach, grief guide, podcast host, and author of Grief 2 Growth: Planted, Not Buried. How to Survive and Thrive After Life’s Greatest Challenges. Brian had long been on a spiritual quest, but after suffering from the loss of his daughter Shayna, who transitioned into...
Jul 3, 2020
An upbeat conversation with Kris Meredith, television and radio presenter, host of Sky Channel 680's Psychic Today, and host/producer of the podcast and YouTube show, Keep It Spiritual. Topics include developing mediumship, censorship in broadcasting, pet loss, and reincarnation. Visit BigSeance.com/168 for...